The best way to Prune Sweet Tamarind

The sweet tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a fruit tree from Africa that develops to 80 feet tall in its native surroundings, but only reaches heights of 15 to 25-feet when developed in in the USA. The tree has feathery foliage year round and tiny white flowers throughout blooming period. Trees are pruned to promote appropriate development when youthful. Following the first four years, pruning is primarily done to eliminate water buds and dead branches.

Remove all branches in the bottom half of trees, up to 36 months old. Without reducing the trunk cut branches off flat from the trunk. Pinch blooms in the branches for the first four years so the tree WOn’t fruit to market tree growth.

Cut branches in trees that grow straight down or up, as opposed to horizontally. Prune branches that are smaller back and abandon the branches that are bigger to create the appropriate lattice form of the canopy.

Eliminate diseased or dead branches. On prune little shoots that appear near aged pruning places and latent buds, water sprouts. Also eliminate branches that cross in the branches that are older. As the tree ages, a ladder might be required to achieve branches that are lifeless.

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