Solutions for Cleaning Ceramic Tile from the Shower
Whether the ceramic tile in your bathroom has a polished or textured surface, when soap scum, hard water residue or mold and mildew build on it, the shower looks dirty and grungy. And most people don’t enjoy cleaning their own bodies at a dirty shower. As you can purchase over-the-counter cleaner for cleaning the tile, you can also make cleaning solutions at home from common household materials. Before using a homemade cleansing option in your shower tiles, then test it on an inconspicuous location.
Washing Soda Cleanser
You are able to eliminate most soap scum and hard water residue using a solution of 1/2 cup packed water softener or washing machine, 2 tbsp rottenstone (a fine powdered stone abrasive used in woodworking) and one cup warm water. Dip a sponge having an abrasive side from the mixture and wash the shower walls. Rinse with cool water. Test the abrasive pad on the tile first to make sure that it does not scratch.
Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide or Tea Tree Oil
Apart from looking gross, mold and mildew when left to develop can make people in your house ill, particularly if they have allergies or other sensitivities. But you are able to keep mold and mildew at bay by stripping down the shower walls after each shower. Add 2 cups water and 2 teaspoons tea tree oil to a spray bottle. Shake the mixture and spray it on the tiles. Do not rinse. Other home made tile-cleaning recipes include 1/2 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide blended with 1 cup water sprayed on the tile, or straight white vinegar sprayed on the mold to kill it. Clean as you regularly will after the hydrogen peroxide mixture or vingear has dried on the tile.
Homemade Soft Scrubs
To make your own homemade soft scrub solution for use on bathroom shower tiles or elsewhere at the house, combine 1/2 cup liquid castile soap, 2 cups baking soda and 5 to 10 drops of an essential oil for fragrance. If you’re planning to store the mixture, store it in a sealed glass jar and add 4 teaspoons vegetable glycerin for a preservative. A second recipe requires 5 cups grated Castile soap, 1/2 cup baking soda, 1 teaspoon eucalyptus oil, 6 cups warm peppermint tea and one teaspoon borax simmered on the stove for 15 minutes on low heat and kept in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle before using.
A Shiny Finish
If you have hard water, soap leaves a film on ceramic tiles. After using one or more of the above cleaning solutions to clean your ceramic tile shower walls, give your tiles a glistening finish. After eliminating the cleanup option, polish the tiles club pop: Pour the club pop into a bucket and then wipe down the walls with it. Do not rinse, as it creates tiles sparkle. It works on matte tiles to give them a gentle sheen.