Should a Grow Light Be From Vegetable Plants?

Seedlings need extreme light to fuel their initial spurt of expansion and healthy leaf formation. They need 250 to 1,000 foot candles of light daily. A standard fluorescent bulb may provide enough light when it’s put close enough to the seedlings so they receive the optimum intensity. Multi-light fixtures supply more even lighting over a broader space, therefore all parts of the seedling can receive equal illumination.

Fluorescent Lights

Fluorescent bulbs don’t produce heat such as other lighting options, so it’s possible to place these considerably nearer to the seedlings. Putting the fixtures so that they are 2 to 6 inches above the surface of the foliage offers high-intensity light. The 2-inch height works well for smaller seedlings or if you’re using reflectors round the light tubes to better distribute the light. Placing the tubes at 6 inches provides light over a greater area, which can be favored for taller seedlings or if you don’t have reflectors installed. Use a combination warm-white or tubes and cool-white grow light.

Incandescent Lights

The heat from incandescent bulbs, such as a regular light bulb, can burn or dry out seedlings if it’s put too closel into the young plants. If you have to use incandescents, set them at least 12 inches above the tender seedlings. Incandescent lights don’t offer the suitable lighting spectrum for tender seedlings, so it’s best to blend these with natural sun or a fluorescent bulb when possible. Use a thermometer to manage the temperature with these bulbs. If the seedling area begins to warm above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, the bulbs are too close and may damage the crops.

Light Duration

Keeping the lights on long enough daily ensures that the seedlings get light. Even when set just above the seedlings, artificial lighting is poorer than sunlight. As the plants need sunlight generally, lights should be left on for the length of time. Most seedlings need eight hours of sun daily, therefore leave the lights on for 16 hours each day. Placing the lights closer won’t compensate for time that is insufficient . An automated timer works for handling them.

Lighting Stands

A lighting stand adjustment of light elevation. These flexible stands permit you to raise the lights as the seedlings grow, so you can quickly move the fixture into the correct height. As an alternative, you may hang a light fixture above the seedlings with hooks and a string, then correct the string length to raise and lower the lights. If you have to use a light that is fixed in place, set boxes or bricks beneath the seedling trays to lift them so they are the correct distance from the lights. Remove boxes from beneath the seedlings to reduce them further from the lights as they grow.

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